Q&A Health Repayment Scheme

What is the public long-stay repayment scheme? It is a State-backed scheme to repay people, eligible for a medical card, but…

What is the public long-stay repayment scheme? It is a State-backed scheme to repay people, eligible for a medical card, but who were wrongly charged public long-stay charges up to December 9th, 2004.

Who should apply for repayment? Living people who were wrongly charged at any time since 1976 and the estates of people who were wrongly charged and died on or after December 9th, 1998.

How do people apply? A claim form must be completed and returned to the scheme administrator for assessment. Forms can be obtained from post offices, the HSE, the website www.repay.ie or by calling lo-call 1890 886 886.

Who can help a person to apply? For people with mental or physical difficulties, a claim on their behalf can be made by an agent appointed by the person, the registrar of wards of court, someone with power of attorney, next friend in litigation or HSE.


How will the scheme administrator deal with each claim? A claim form will be assessed to ensure that the claimant meets the criteria for repayment. The claim will then be calculated. A letter will be sent to the claimant confirming the amount. If the claimant accepts the amount, the file will be sent to the HSE, which will make the payment.

What can people do if they are not satisfied with the amount or are found not to qualify? They have 28 days to inform the scheme administrator in writing that they want to appeal. The file will then be passed to an independent appeals body.

How does repayment affect people's tax and social welfare entitlements? Living patients are not affected in any way. Normal tax and means assessment will apply to those benefiting from estates.

Will people who received an ex-gratia payment in 2005 automatically receive full repayment? They must fill in a claim form.