Rebels to free some Yugoslav soldiers

Kosovo Albanian rebels, under heavy international pressure and an apparent threat of Yugoslav army retaliation, said yesterday…

Kosovo Albanian rebels, under heavy international pressure and an apparent threat of Yugoslav army retaliation, said yesterday they would release some of the eight Yugoslav soldiers they hold.

Mr Bardhyl Mahmuti, who speaks for the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) in Europe, said in Geneva that some prisoners would probably be freed late last night or early today, depending on the Yugoslav authorities.

"We would expect the Serbs to release at least some Albanians. If they do, we will free more," said Mr Mahmuti.

Neither Mr Mahmuti nor a KLA statement carried by Kosovo Albanian media in Pristina, capital of the Albanian-majority province, made it clear how many ethnic Albanians it wanted freed. However, a Western diplomat in Belgrade close to the negotiators did not rule out an exchange.


The head of the ethnic Albanian information centre in Kosovo was shot by unknown gunmen in Pristina yesterday and died later in hospital.