Remains of campaigner Sr Sarah return to Ireland

The remains of Sister Sarah Clarke arrived in Ireland this morning where current and former taoisigh and Government ministers…

The remains of Sister Sarah Clarke arrived in Ireland this morning where current and former taoisigh and Government ministers were in attendance.

The 82-year-old nun died in London last Tuesday. She campaigned for more than 30 years for the rights of the Guildford Four, Birmingham Six and the Maguire Seven.

The Taoiseach, Mr Bertie Ahern was joined by Mr Albert Reynolds, Minister of State Mr Eamon O'Cuiv, Dublin South West TD Mr Conor Lenihan, solicitor for the Guildford Four Ms Gareth Peirce, and Mr Paul Hill of the Guildford Four.

Sister Sarah joined the Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association in 1970. She spent the following 30 years working with prisoners' families and recording many breaches of human rights caused by the Prevention of Terrorism Act against which she had campaigned.


Many of her experiences were recounted in her 1995 autobiography No Faith In The System.

She will be buried later today in Galway beside her brother Michael.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times