Report criticises record keeping of public bodies

There is a widespread failure by public bodies to give proper reasons for refusing information requested under the Freedom of…

There is a widespread failure by public bodies to give proper reasons for refusing information requested under the Freedom of Information Act, according to an investigation by the Information Commissioner.

The report, released today found that more information could be discharged to the public without resorting to the Act.

The Commissioner found the Department of Education failed to reply to FOI requests due to a large influx of those relating to industrial schools.

He said he was unhappy with the standard of record keeping within public bodies in general but, acknowledged that improvements had been made by the Revenue Commissioners and the Department of Justice in the quality of decisions being issued.


The report accepts that the Act has brought "major gains in terms of greater openness and transparency," but Ireland still ranks higher in FOI refusal rates compared to other countries such as Australia.

The report recommends that more detailed statistics on the basis of refusal should be recorded.