Report on alleged abuse is withheld

THE Western Health Board has declined to reveal the contents of its report on allegations of child sexual and physical abuse …

THE Western Health Board has declined to reveal the contents of its report on allegations of child sexual and physical abuse at St Joseph's Industrial School in Salthill, Galway.

The board's chief executive, Mr Eamonn Hannan, said yesterday it had completed its investigation and forwarded a report to the Garda. "It is in Garda hands. We cannot comment any further."

Mr Hannan confirmed, however, that the board was paying for counselling for a former resident who had complained of being abused and was now living abroad. This is understood to be the former RTE presenter, Mr Kevin Sharkey, who alleged on the Late Late Show on Friday he had been and physically abused at a West of Ireland industrial school which was run by the Christian Brothers. He also said he was receiving counselling.

The health board official was replying to a request by board member Mr Terry Leyden, a former Minister of State for Health, who asked that the report be made available to board members or that they be briefed on its findings.


This was important, he said, following at least 23 complaints of alleged sexual and physical abuse by former residents and it was his understanding that there were likely to be many more. He believed the board had interviewed over 90 former residents during its investigations.

A Garda file on the alleged abuse has been with the Director of Public Prosecutions since last November.