Reprisals likely as UK expels Russians diplomats British accused of 'imperial' behaviour

UK: The British government was last night bracing itself for an inevitable diplomatic backlash after expelling four Russian …

UK:The British government was last night bracing itself for an inevitable diplomatic backlash after expelling four Russian intelligence officers in protest at the Kremlin's refusal to hand over the prime suspect in the polonium-210 poisoning affair.

In an attempt to underline the UK government's anger and alarm over the murder of Alexander Litvinenko, the British foreign office announced it was ceasing co-operation with Moscow on a range of issues, starting with the imposition of restrictions on visas issued to Russian officials seeking to visit the UK.

All four individuals being expelled are officers with one of the successor organisations to the KGB, a clear signal that British authorities strongly suspect that Russian intelligence agencies had a hand in the murder. David Miliband, the foreign secretary, told the House of Commons yesterday: "This response is proportional and it is clear at whom it is aimed."

Last night prime minister Gordon Brown, arriving for talks in Germany, said Britain wanted a constructive relationship with Russia, but added: "When a murder is committed on British soil action has to be taken."


The Kremlin immediately vowed to make an "adequate response" - widely expected to include the tit-for-tat expulsion of British diplomats today.

The Russian foreign ministry denounced the British move as "immoral and provocative", with a spokesman warning it would have "the most serious consequences" for relations between the two countries.

It said: "The decision taken by London confirms a flare-up in Russophobic sentiments in British society and political circles, which have recently spread to its foreign policy. Given this situation, Miliband's statement that the UK would like to see Russia as a partner on the international scene looks naive." One Kremlin adviser, Sergey Markov, said that the mood within the Russian government was "cold and angry", and accused the British of behaving in a high-handed and "imperial" manner.

Facing his first major test as foreign secretary, Mr Miliband told British MPs that the impasse was one that Britain had "not sought and does not welcome". However, Mr Litvinenko, who had taken British citizenship, had "suffered a horrifying and lingering death", and his murder had "put hundreds of others, residents and visitors, at risk of radiation contamination".

In refusing to extradite Andrei Lugovoi, the Russian businessman suspected of persuading Mr Litvinenko to sip a poisoned cup of tea during a meeting at a London hotel, Moscow had failed to acknowledge the seriousness of the crime or the British government's concern, Mr Miliband said.

He said it was necessary to send a "clear and proportionate signal" to Russia about the seriousness with which Britain regarded the matter. "Given the importance of this issue, and Russia's failure to co-operate to find a solution, we need an appropriate response. The heinous crime of murder does require justice." The Russian prosecutor general told the crown prosecution service in London last week that Moscow could not hand over Mr Lugovoi because the country's constitution forbids the extradition of its citizens. However, British government officials believe that extradition may have been possible.

Hinting that he was taking action in part to protect other Russians resident in the UK, who may fear that they too are in danger from Russian intelligence officers, Mr Miliband added: "The UK has a wider duty to ensure the safety of the large Russian community living in the UK." There are currently around 30 Russian intelligence officers based in London, according to British counter-intelligence officers, a figure not seen since the end of the cold war.

The number is said partly to reflect the Kremlin's growing interest in London's dissident community.