Revenue seeks €200,000 from Dublin man

The Revenue Commissioners have taken High Court proceedings seeking payment from a Co Dublin man of three separate court judgments…

The Revenue Commissioners have taken High Court proceedings seeking payment from a Co Dublin man of three separate court judgments amounting to almost €200,000.

Mr Jim Callaghan, for the Collector General, told Mr Justice Murphy today that although the Revenue had secured two High Court judgments and one Circuit Court judgment against Mr Donal O Huadhaigh, of Donmar Lodge, Avoca Avenue, Blackrock, Co Dublin, all three remain unpaid.

The first judgment, granted by the High Court in February 2003, was for €154,000. The second, for €30,200, was secured from the High Court in June 2004, while the third, for €12,280, was granted by the Circuit Court - also last June.

Mr O'Callaghan said Mr O Huadhaigh's mother had died intestate in February 2002, leaving an estate of €1.63 million. The estate was to be divided equally among Mr OHuadhaigh and his five siblings.


The Revenue was seeking a conditional order of garnishee regarding Mr O Huadhaigh's share of the estate in order to satisfy the judgments against him. The amount of that share exceeded Mr O Huadhaigh's debt to the Revenue, Mr O'Callaghan said.

Mr Justice Murphy said he would grant the orders sought.