Ring Gaeltacht student wins glass design award

A first-year student from Waterford's Ring Gaeltacht has won an inaugural international glass design competition organised by…

A first-year student from Waterford's Ring Gaeltacht has won an inaugural international glass design competition organised by Waterford Institute of Technology. Her piece will now go on display in Waterford and in the US.

Siobhan Ni Mhuirithe's design, Northern Lights, was unveiled last night at Waterford Crystal. The 13-year-old is a student at Meanscoil San Nioclas in Ring Gaeltacht.

Devised by Waterford Institute of Technology's centre for the advancement of learning of maths, science and technology (Calmast), the competition is for first-year students. The contest was open to schools in the southeast and to students in Washington state, in the United States, through the Tacoma Glass Museum.

One piece in each country is selected by juries in Ireland and Tacoma, and the two winning entries will now go on display in Waterford and later in Washington state.


"The kids learn about the science of glass and then they go on to design a glass piece," explained Dr Sheila Donegan of Calmast. "They then work with Waterford Crystal to get the piece from paper across to a real piece of glass. Siobhan spent three days at Waterford Crystal," Dr Donegan said.

Siobhan's winning entry was inspired by the night sky viewed during a family holiday in Finland.

"Putting science and technology into context is very important if we are to encourage students into science, engineering and technology," said Eoin Gill of Calmast.

The competition for 2006 has been expanded to include schools from Venice through the Scuola del Vetro Abate Zanetti on the island of Murano, which produces world-famous Venetian glass.

Dick Ahlstrom

Dick Ahlstrom

Dick Ahlstrom, a contributor to The Irish Times, is the newspaper's former Science Editor.