Motorists, motorcyclists, cyclists and pedestrians were advised yesterday by the National Safety Council (NSC) to pay attention when using roads along the Luas route, particularly when crossing the tram lines. Christine Newman reports.
The Luas tram was a new vehicle on Dublin roads and all road users should exercise caution, especially at junctions where tracks crossed the roads, Mr Brian Farrell of the NSC said.
"The message to all road users is to expect the unexpected," he said.
He warned that while the Luas should be treated like any other vehicle, with the same road safety rules applying, it did have some unique aspects. "For example, cyclists and motor-cyclists have an added problem in that they are in danger of getting wheels trapped in the tram lines. And motorcyclists could skid if they lose traction on the tracks."
He advised motorcyclists to be aware of the dangers when crossing the tracks and cyclists to keep their wheels perpendicular to the tram lines when crossing them.
Otherwise, tram lines should be avoided at all times.
Pedestrians should apply the same road safety rules as with other vehicles, such as looking both ways.
The Luas had the same braking distance as buses and needed time to stop, he said.