Robinson attacks SDLP in McGuinness row

Hardline unionists today hit out at the SDLP today as a bid to oust Sinn Féin's Mr Martin McGuinness from the Stormont cabinet…

Hardline unionists today hit out at the SDLP today as a bid to oust Sinn Féin's Mr Martin McGuinness from the Stormont cabinet appeared doomed to fail.

Democratic Unionist Party deputy leader Mr Peter Robinson slated the party for supporting MLAs linked to paramilitaries rather than upholding democracy.

His anger was sparked by the SDLP's decision to join forces with Sinn Féin to lodge a petition of concern forcing a cross-community vote on the motion of no-confidence in the Education Minister.

The East Belfast MP said: "The SDLP are indistinguishable from IRA/Sinn Féin within the Assembly and are more prepared to back the terrorist representatives than support those who believe in democracy."


The motion tabled by the Rev Ian Paisley's DUP followed Mr McGuinness's admission that he was the IRA's second-in-command in Derry during Bloody Sunday in January 1972.

To succeed, it needs an overall 60 per cent majority in the Assembly and at least 40 per cent on both the unionist and nationalist benches.

But it seems certain to fail after the SDLP's deputy chief whip at Stormont, Dr Alasdair McDonnell confirmed his party would be joining Sinn Fein to force a cross-community vote.

"The petition of concern has been lodged because this motion of no confidence in Martin McGuinness is another silly attempt by the DUP to destabilise the Executive," he said.

But amid preparations for the launch of the DUP's election manifesto next week, Mr Robinson insisted the motion he tabled along with party colleague Mr Nigel Dodds will be debated as planned, despite the steps being taken by nationalist MLAs.

He said: "The only distinction is that the SDLP are again taking the Sinn Féin whip in order to stop if from being passed."