RTE will clarify row on air with FG leader

RTÉ Radio's Morning Ireland programme will this morning clarify comments that arose in a heated exchange on yesterday's programme…

RTÉ Radio's Morning Ireland programme will this morning clarify comments that arose in a heated exchange on yesterday's programme between presenter Cathal Mac Coille and the Fine Gael leader, Mr Enda Kenny.

Mr Mac Coille had said that Mr Kenny had refused to engage in an interview along with the Minister for the Environment, Mr Cullen. Instead, Mr Cullen was interviewed separately after an interview with Mr Kenny had been completed.

Mr Kenny responded by saying he had only been invited to be interviewed on his own and indicated that he would be happy to be interviewed along with Mr Cullen. He then alleged that the Government Press Secretary had earlier phoned the programme and asked to change the format of the debate.

Spokeswomen for the Government and Fianna Fáil yesterday both gave the same version of the events leading to the on-air dispute.


RTÉ had initially asked Mr Kenny to be interviewed on his own and he accepted. It is normal protocol for an Opposition leader to be interviewed alone rather than as part of a debate with a minister.

However, when the Government was asked to provide a spokesman for an interview to follow Mr Kenny, the Government spokeswoman asked if Mr Cullen could be interviewed in debate with Mr Kenny rather than afterwards. When this request was passed on to Mr Kenny shortly before going on air, he allegedly declined.