RUC accused of hitting councillor

The SDLP has accused the RUC of assaulting one of its councillors

The SDLP has accused the RUC of assaulting one of its councillors. The party's vice-chairman, Mr Martin Morgan, has said police officers assaulted him on Tuesday night after he went to speak to protesters during disturbances in the Whitewall Road area of Belfast. Mr Morgan said he went to try to calm the situation and was hit in the face when he asked to speak to a senior officer.

In a statement, the SDLP chairman, Mr Jonathan Stephenson, said Mr Morgan and others were "subjected to serious police assault".

"This goes well beyond something that could be described as `heavy-handed tactics', or even a temporary breakdown in discipline," Mr Stephenson said. "This is disgraceful and totally unacceptable behaviour from a force which claims to want to earn the respect of the whole community."

He said the SDLP would be "taking the matter further with the Chief Constable".