How did you get that job?

DAVID MOORE, Head of Astronomy Ireland

DAVID MOORE, Head of Astronomy Ireland

At parties, what do you tell people you do for a living?

I run Astronomy Ireland, edit their magazine, and run Irelands biggest telescope shop.

How did you get your job?


We started as an astronomy club, and it grew from there to become the most popular such organisation in the world.

Whats the best thing about it?

The best thing is getting paid to do something I love, because then its simply not work!

Whats the most common question people ask you?

How far can telescopes see?

Is there life on other planets?

Probably, based on what we know about how life got started on the Earth and the likelihood of such conditions existing elsewhere.

Whats the most amazing fact you know?

The first man on the Moon - Neil Armstrong - is descended from Irish cattle-rustlers. I know this, because he told me so himself!

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