On the Radar

News from the world of science, by CLAIRE O'CONNELL

News from the world of science, by CLAIRE O'CONNELL

Robots get human touch 

US researchers have used arrays of nanowires and pressure sensors to develop a material that can act as a sensitive “electronic skin”.

"The idea is to have a material that functions like the human skin, which means incorporating the ability to feel and touch objects. Humans generally know how to hold a fragile egg without breaking it," said Dr Ali Javey, a co-author of the paper in Nature Materials. "But we'd also want the robot to be able to grip a stock pot without dropping it."


Cork link with Dr Watson

Last week in his lecture at University College Cork, Dr James Watson referred to the importance of metabolism and combination therapies as key emerging areas for targeting cancer. He’ll be collaborating with the Cork Cancer Research Centre at UCC on a treatment developed there: “They are ahead of us here in Cork. I am looking forward to taking this combination back with me to our lab in the US,” he said.

Claire O’Connell. 1000.claire@gmail.com