SE health board unaware of alleged paedophile official

A Department of Education official alleged to have been involved in a paedophile ring is not known to the South Eastern Health…

A Department of Education official alleged to have been involved in a paedophile ring is not known to the South Eastern Health Board, the board said yesterday.

A Fine Gael TD, Mr Phil Hogan, told the Dáil on Wednesday that the retired official had been identified in a submission made to the Laffoy commission by a sex-abuse victim.

The man, whom he did not name, had investigated and dismissed allegations made against a number of men working in residential centres in Kilkenny city, Cappoquin, Co Waterford, and Clonmel, Co Tipperary, he said.

A spokeswoman for the health board said yesterday it did not know who the man was as he had not been publicly named.


The board, she added, was not aware of any allegations of child abuse involving a Department of Education official or inspector who had had contact with centres in Cappoquin, Clonmel or Kilkenny.

Mr Hogan yesterday criticised the Minister for Education, Dr Woods, for his response to his allegations in the Dáil. The Minister said his Department had received no communication from the Laffoy commission about any such case.

"If such a communication is made the deputy can rest assured that my Department will co-operate fully in any inquiries," he said. "In all cases in which the commission has sought information to date I am entirely satisfied that my Department has given the commission every possible co-operation and support."

This was rejected as a "cop-out" by Mr Hogan. A Department spokeswoman said it would not be elaborating on the Minister's Dáil statement.

Chris Dooley

Chris Dooley

Chris Dooley is Foreign Editor of The Irish Times