Serbian war crimes suspect extradited

Former Bosnian Serb police chief Stojan Zupljanin, accused of committing war crimes in the war in Bosnia, was in custody at the…

Former Bosnian Serb police chief Stojan Zupljanin, accused of committing war crimes in the war in Bosnia, was in custody at the Hague tribunal today after being extradited from Serbia.

The war crimes suspect, arrested on June 11th in the Serbian city of Pancevo, was one of the four remaining fugitives wanted by the United Nations Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia for war crimes during the 1992-95 war in Bosnia.

Prosecutors have charged Zupljanin with responsibility for murder, persecution, torture and deportation of non-Serb civilians and wanton destruction of towns and religious institutions.

Serbia's cooperation with the Hague Tribunal over fugitive war crimes suspects is a pre-condition for the country's progress towards closer ties with the European Union.


Former Bosnian Serb army commander Ratko Mladic, Bosnian Serb political leader Radovan Karadzic and Croatian Serb wartime leader Goran Hadzic are still at large.

The Hague says they are all hiding either in Serbia or in the Serb-run half of Bosnia and are within the reach of Serbian authorities.