SF Policing Board member threatened

A Sinn Fein Policing Board member has received a bomb threat.

A Sinn Fein Policing Board member has received a bomb threat.

North Antrim Assemblyman Daithí McKay was told a device would be left outside his home and other party members were named in telephone warnings.

Councillor Anita Cavlan was allegedly told a gun would be put to her head and one of the North Antrim constituency office staff received a death threat.

Mr McKay said: "This is a particular chilling threat made not just against me but other party members as well as against the general public."

The caller also claimed a bomb left outside Dunloy chapel, Co Antrim, would explode in an hour.

Mr McKay added: "Although no-one as yet has claimed responsibility for this, it is clear that those issuing these threats have nothing to offer our communities and will not deter Sinn Fein from pursing our objectives of Irish