Shankill bomber Seán Kelly returned to prison

The man convicted over his involvement in a bomb attack on the Shankill Road in 1993 has been re-arrested and returned to prison…

The man convicted over his involvement in a bomb attack on the Shankill Road in 1993 has been re-arrested and returned to prison.

Seán Kelly was convicted over the 1993 Shankill Road bombing
Seán Kelly was convicted over the 1993 Shankill Road bombing

Seán Kelly, 33 who was jailed for bombing a fish shop that killed 10 on the Shankill Road in 1993, had his early release licence suspended today by Secretary of State Peter Hain.

Kelly was released under strict conditions in July 2000 that he didn't support a specific organisation, didn't get involved in terrorism acts or didn't become a danger to the public.

Mr Hain said he acted today on security intelligence that Kelly had become involved again with terrorist activity.


“I am satisfied that Sean Kelly has become re-involved in terrorism and is a danger to others and while he is at liberty, is likely to commit further offences,” he said.

“On the basis of security information available to me, I have decided to return Sean Kelly to prison with immediate effect.”

Reacting to the licence suspension, Sinn Féin accused Mr Hain of giving in to the demands of Unionists and claimed Mr Kelly was aiding the Good Friday Agreement and ensuring peace at marches.

Party MLA Gerry Kelly said “Mr Kelly has done nothing to warrant this harsh decision and should be released without delay.

“This was a calculated decision that will increase tensions in North Belfast and elsewhere in the middle of the marching season.”

“Mr Kelly was fully supporting peace efforts under the Good Friday Agreement and helping to defuse tensions at flashpoint areas at marches in recent months.”

Sinn Féin called on Mr Hain to reverse his decision without delay.

Mr Hain warned that he would not hesitate to suspend the licence of other prisoners who got early release scheme under the Agreement if they presented a risk to the safety of others.

“My priority is public safety and the interests of the whole community and I cannot permit freedom to an individual intent on abusing the opportunity they have been given to benefit from the early release scheme,” he said.

“I am satisfied that this particular individual has breached the terms of his licence and that it is appropriate for me to suspend his licence.”

The independent Sentence Review Commissioners will now consider Seán  Kelly's case and decide whether to revoke his licence.

Kelly was sentenced to life for the murders of nine people, including two children, when he bombed Frizzell's fish shop on the Shankill Road in October 1993.

Loyalist politicians have called for his arrest and return to prison in the past as they claimed he was orchestrating nationalist riots.