Shannon staff to vote on strike action over possible job cuts

Workers at Shannon airport are to ballot next week on industrial action in the event of job cuts being implemented without agreement…

Workers at Shannon airport are to ballot next week on industrial action in the event of job cuts being implemented without agreement.

The strike ballot by trade union Siptu has been called in response to speculation that the Shannon Airport Authority plans to cut as many as 260 jobs, about half the staff.

A spokeswoman for the airport said yesterday it was drawing up a business plan but at no stage had it put it a figure on the number of jobs at risk.

While it was "no secret" that the authority was considering a plan to outsource catering operations, any changes would be discussed with unions in advance, she said.


She also emphasised that all job cuts would be voluntary.

Siptu national industrial secretary Michael Halpenny said the union believed the airport intended to bring forward a plan that included outsourcing and job cuts.

The strike ballot was a pre-emptive move to give the union a mandate to take action in the event of cuts being implemented unilaterally.

Management at the airport has held a number of meetings with staff to outline plans including the possible outsourcing of catering operations.

However, no discussions have taken place to date with unions. Siptu represents most of the airport's staff and about 500 members are eligible to take part in next week's ballot.

The union has already expressed opposition to any job cuts, given that staff were given assurances about job security in the wake of the break-up of Dublin, Shannon and Cork airports into separate entities.

Chris Dooley

Chris Dooley

Chris Dooley is Foreign Editor of The Irish Times