Sharon warns of tough response to Gaza ambush

Palestinian gunmen killed an Israeli couple in an ambush at the Gaza border today before being shot dead by Israeli forces.

Palestinian gunmen killed an Israeli couple in an ambush at the Gaza border today before being shot dead by Israeli forces.

The ambush was claimed by three militant groups including al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, part of President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah group.

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, under pressure from Jewish ultranationalists vehemently opposed to his plan to remove many Jewish settlements in occupied territories, promised a tough response to the shooting at the Kissufim crossing.

The attacks follow a surprise weekend trip to the region by US Secretary of State, Condoleeza Rice who has expressed concern about the fragility of the peace in the region. She met Mr Abbas and Mr Sharon and praised efforts by the Palestinians to curb militants.


But Palestinians wanted Ms Rice to do more to ensure coordination from Israel on practical issues for the Gaza Strip after the ending the 38-year-old occupation due next month.

They also wanted to pressure Mr Sharon on complaints like settlement expansion in the West Bank. "For the Palestinian government it [the visit] was important but the man on the street is very angry and frustrated," said Palestinian analyst Mahdi Abdul-Hadi.

However today's attacks have attracted a strong repose from Mr Sharon who met with his cabinet today.

"Israel will not make its peace with this terrorism," he told his cabinet. "I made clear to the secretary of state that our response will be of a different kind, using very tough new measures," Mr Sharon said.

Israelis are unconvinced by Palestinian pledges on security during the pullout and beyond.