Sheehan quits party post over late-night incident with gardaí

FINE GAEL TD PJ Sheehan has resigned as his party’s deputy spokesman on agriculture after apologising for his treatment of gardaí…

FINE GAEL TD PJ Sheehan has resigned as his party’s deputy spokesman on agriculture after apologising for his treatment of gardaí who prevented him driving under the influence of alcohol.

The veteran politician, who represents Cork South West, had a meeting with Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny yesterday, and a “personal statement” was issued through the party’s press office afterwards.

“Following a discussion today with Fine Gael Leader Enda Kenny TD, I have tendered my resignation as deputy spokesperson on agriculture with special responsibility for forestry, with immediate effect,” Mr Sheehan’s statement said.

“I have advised the party leader that I do not want to be considered for any other position. I will continue to work diligently on behalf of my constituents in Cork South West.”


Mr Sheehan apologised on Sunday for his role in the incident, which involved gardaí on duty at Leinster House at about 1am last July 8th, when the Dáil was going into recess.

According to the Garda report on the incident, leaked to reporters, Mr Sheehan was informed he was not in a fit condition to drive as he would be a “serious risk” to himself and others and be liable for arrest for drink-driving.

He told a garda she would never be promoted “when we get into power”. Mr Sheehan eventually agreed to take a taxi and leave his car at Leinster House overnight.

In his “full and unreserved apology”, Mr Sheehan said this behaviour was totally out of character “in my 30 years in politics” and said he would express in writing “deep personal apologies and regrets” to the gardaí involved.

The report said Mr Kenny, who was leaving the complex at the same time, said Mr Sheehan’s comments to the gardaí should be ignored.

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan is Features Editor of The Irish Times