Shell seeks review of emissions licence

THE ENVIRONMENTAL Protection Agency (EPA) has received an application from Shell EP Ireland to review its emissions licence for…

THE ENVIRONMENTAL Protection Agency (EPA) has received an application from Shell EP Ireland to review its emissions licence for the Corrib gas terminal. The review application aims to honour a commitment given to the Erris Inshore Fishermen’s Association in 2008 to revise plans for discharging produced water into Broadhaven Bay.

The fishermen have been told the company will discharge at the wellhead, rather than in the bay, subject to EPA approval.

Meanwhile, Labour’s Michael D Higgins has expressed concern about the treatment of seven locals who sought to protect bird life at Glengad, location of the Corrib gas landfall.

Six local residents prosecuted for removing nets placed by Corrib gas contractors to prevent sand martins nesting on the cliffs at Glengad last year had the charges against them struck out by the State in Belmullet District Court last week.


While Mr Higgins welcomed that the case was not proceeding, he was “very concerned that a further step to vindicate the protection of birds as required under EU law” had not been taken.

An estimated 150 people took part in a demonstration outside Castlerea Prison, Co Roscommon, on Saturday calling for the release of Erris fisherman Pat O’Donnell. Mr O’Donnell is serving a seven-month sentence for use of threatening behaviour towards a garda and for wilful obstruction of a peace officer. The protest was organised by Shell to Sea, and included northwest supporters of the dissident republican socialist organisation Eirigí.

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins is the former western and marine correspondent of The Irish Times