EMILY IS single, 30 years old and has been living in Kildare for the past four years.

EMILY IS single, 30 years old and has been living in Kildare for the past four years.

She works as a physiotherapist and earns an annual salary of €67,000. She drives to work in Dublin every day and is disappointed at the introduction of the €200 levy for a car-parking space provided by her employer.

Emily owns her own two-bedroom apartment and rents the spare room for €600 per month. She avails of rent-a-room relief and, therefore, does not have to pay income tax on the rental income.

She had considered buying a new three-bedroom property in a nearby development. If she did this, she would rent the two additional bedrooms and would expect to yield rental income of €11,500 per annum.


As the Minister has not increased the rent-a-room relief, she will need to reconsider this purchase as she would have to pay income tax and levies on the €11,500.

Emily is also disappointed the Minister has decreased the mortgage interest relief available to those who are non first-time buyers.

She is considering doing a part-time course in sports medicine but notes that no changes were introduced by the Minister to allow her to claim tax relief for tuition fees on part-time courses. Emily will be worse off by €42 per month.