Six months in jail for smuggling tobacco

A lorry driver who was on bail after being arrested trying to smuggle 138 kg of tobacco through the Channel Tunnel, was again…

A lorry driver who was on bail after being arrested trying to smuggle 138 kg of tobacco through the Channel Tunnel, was again caught with a duty-dodging load hidden in his vehicle.

At Croydon Crown Court in west London yesterday, Patrick Faulkner (48), of Strand Road, Annagassan, Co Louth, was jailed for six months after pleading guilty to two charges of illegal importation.

Mr Martin Field, prosecuting, said: "His tractor and trailer were given a routine examination on his return to this country on March 2nd and 23 boxes containing a total of 138 kg of hand-rolling tobacco were discovered.

"Faulkner, who had been on his way to Ireland, was released on bail, but in November he was again stopped by Customs at Dover when another 30 boxes containing 180 kg were found hidden among his legitimate cargo of frozen meat."


The tax on the two amounts would have been more than £30,000 sterling.

Faulkner admitted to Customs that he knew the tobacco was there. He was to receive £400 for the first quantity and £750 for the second.

Ms Juliet Oliver, defending, said Faulkner had not appreciated the serious view taken by the courts to smuggling.