All men who are attempting to establish whether they may have a vocation tothe Catholic priesthood are invited to take part in an open day at the national seminary, St Patrick’s College, Maynooth, tomorrow from 10am until 2pm.
It will involve informal talks, tours, and testimonials from seminarians.
No booking is necessary and those who wish to attend may do so unannounced and anonymously. It is not necessary to consult with a parish priest or diocesan vocations director in advance.

They day will begin at 10am with the welcoming of guests in the Pugin Hall, tea and coffee. That will be followed by seminarians giving some insights into establishing whether one has a vocation to priesthood and a showing of the film A Day in the Life of a Seminarian.
At 11.30am there will be a tour of the seminary, Mass at 12.30pm and the day will conclude with lunch at 1.30pm in the Pugin Hall. See details here.