Solicitor charged with perjury

A solicitor accused of perverting the course of justice during a case taken against him by the Incorporated Law Society was further…

A solicitor accused of perverting the course of justice during a case taken against him by the Incorporated Law Society was further charged with perjury yesterday.

Mr David Fitzpatrick (44) of Merrion Avenue, Blackrock, already faced four charges which include allegations that he wrote letters containing falsehoods and committed perjury in respect of a payment of £13,000.

Det Garda Kevin Monks of the Garda Bureau of Fraud Investigation told Dublin District Court he further charged the defendant yesterday with committing perjury before the High Court on October 19th, 1992.

Mr Fitzpatrick is already charged with misleading the High Court by writing a letter on July 10th, 1992, which contained falsehoods during proceedings by the Incorporated Law Society.


Mr Fitzpatrick is further accused of perverting the course of justice in an affidavit and committing perjury in respect of £13,000. Both offences are alleged to have occurred between October 27th and 28th of the same year. He is further accused of writing letters containing falsehoods between October 1st and 29th.

Judge Terence Finn remanded the defendant on continuing bail of £10,000.