Songs of praise

On the town : The wind howled outside as the choir of Christ Church Cathedral sang "Let not your heart by troubled, neither …

On the town: The wind howled outside as the choir of Christ Church Cathedral sang "Let not your heart by troubled, neither let it be afraid".

After the final Amen, composed by MA music student, Dan Apalaghie, accompanied by organist Andrew Johnstone, the choral evensong service drew to a close under the direction of choirmistress Judy Martin.

The special service was held to mark the publication of A History of Music at Christ Church Cathedral Dublin written by Barra Boydell and published by Boydell Press (no relation). "This book goes to the heart of this great place of worship," said Prof Harry White, of UCD, and president of the Society for Musicology in Ireland.

"The greater part of the book by far is concerned with the 15th through to the 19th centuries, which is as it should be, given the formative influence of Christ Church in the shaping of Dublin's identity throughout this period.


"In the healthy pluralism of the early 21st century, it is interesting to see how choir men and choir women now include Roman Catholic as well as other Christian denominations . . . One feels musical considerations are paramount as never before."

Boydell said he has attempted not just to document the musical repetoire and narrative of the cathedral "but to examine how that narrative was shaped by the political, social and religious environment" and to look at the cathedral's changing role "within often complex relationships" with the city and the country as a whole.

Among those present were Canon John Bartlett, former precentor at the cathedral, Canon Neil McEndoo and Canon Ginnie Kennerly. "Music is an integral part of worship in this cathedral," said the cathedral's Dean Desmond Harman. Mary Boydell, mother of the author and wife of the late Brian Boydell, was there to enjoy the occassion, chatting to her friend, Richard Cooper.