'Strong Irish feel' at proceedings

Arrangements: There will be "a strong Irish feel" at the removal of former taoiseach Charles Haughey this evening and at the…

Arrangements: There will be "a strong Irish feel" at the removal of former taoiseach Charles Haughey this evening and at the funeral Mass tomorrow, Fr Pat O'Donoghue of Dublin's Pro-Cathedral said yesterday.

Fr O'Donoghue said he has been arranging music for the ceremonies in consultation with the Haughey family.

Mr Haughey's remains will be received at the Church of Our Lady of Consolation in Donnycarney this evening at 5pm by the Archbishop of Dublin Dr Diarmuid Martin and Fr Eoghan Haughey, Mr Haughey's brother.

A Catholic Church spokesman said last night that Cardinal Connell is expected at either the removal or the funeral, but that had not been confirmed.


As the remains are taken to the altar this evening, cantor Mary Flynn will sing Seán Ó Riada's Ag Críost on Síol, accompanied by harpist Teresa O'Donnell and violinist Sebastien Petiet.

Conor Haughey will read from 1 Thessalonians. His uncle, Fr Eoghan, will deliver the gospel reading from John chapter 14. "In my Father's house there are many mansions . . ." Fr Haughey will also deliver a short homily.

The popular old Kilmore (Co Wexford) carol Jerusalem will be sung by Ms Flynn.

It is expected Archbishop Martin may say a few words at the end and lead the final prayer and give a blessing.

Mass tomorrow morning will take place at noon with Fr Haughey as chief celebrant. Archbishop Martin will preside.

Musically it will be the O'Riada Mass performed by Dublin's Pro-Cathedral Palestrina choir. The first reading will be from Jeremiah and will be by a member of Mr Haughey's family, while the Psalm will be an Irish version of The Lord Is My Shepherd. The gospel, read by Fr Haughey, will be Matthew Chapter 25,verses 31-41.

". . . For I was hungry and you gave me meat: I was thirsty, and you gave me drink: I was a stranger, and you took me in: Naked, and you clothed me: I was sick, and you visited me: I was in prison, and you came unto me . . ."

The homily will be by Fr Haughey. At Communion, the choir will sing Mozart's Ave Verum. As the remains leave the Church the choir will sing In Paradisum from Faure's Requiem.

Fr Haughey will preside at the burial in St Fintan's Cemetery.

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry is a contributor to The Irish Times