Suicide bomb attacks kill 14 in Iraq

Two suicide car bomb attacks in Iraq have killed at least 14 people and wounded 20 including two US soldiers, American and Iraqi…

Two suicide car bomb attacks in Iraq have killed at least 14 people and wounded 20 including two US soldiers, American and Iraqi officers said today.

The US 2nd Marine Division said one bomber blew himself up at a checkpoint in the east of the city, 110 km west of Baghdad, at around 7 pm yesterday.

Checkpoints were established at entrances to Ramadi last month to try to crack down on guerrillas who have mounted frequent attacks in the city.

"These terrorist attacks will not deter the soldiers and Marines from accomplishing their mission," said Brig. Gen. Joe McMenamin, assistant commander of the 2nd Marine Division.


"This was an attack on Iraqi security forces who have sworn an oath to protect the citizens of Iraq," he said.

Over the past few months, suicide car bombers have increasingly targeted checkpoints manned by US and Iraqi forces. US commanders say this shows insurgents are finding it harder to attack targets such as police stations and military bases.

In an attack today in Iskandariya, in a lawless area just south of Baghdad, a bomber blew up his car beside an Iraqi army convoy, killing three soldiers and wounding six, soldiers at the scene said.