Sunshine may help boost turnout in today's elections

Elections 2004: Today's voting More than 3 million people are eligible to vote today in local government and European Parliament…

Elections 2004: Today's votingMore than 3 million people are eligible to vote today in local government and European Parliament elections that will provide an important mid-term test of both Government and Opposition parties.

Voters will also be asked to decide whether or not to approve the Government's proposal to amend the Constitution to remove the automatic right to Irish citizenship currently granted to all children born on the island of Ireland.

There are fears that fewer than one in two voters will actually turn out to vote. Turnout in local government elections has fallen steadily from over 60 per cent in 1979 to just 50 per cent in 1999, despite both the local and European elections being held on the same day.

Today's weather is expected to have a positive influence on turnout, with sunny spells expected.


Polling stations open at 7 a.m. and will close at 9 p.m. this evening. Counting of the local government and referendum votes will take place tomorrow. The European Parliament election will be counted on Sunday.

There will be three separate ballot papers in most polling stations - one for the citizenship referendum; one for the European Parliament election and one for elections to city or county councils. In some areas there will be a fourth ballot paper for election to the town council.

Ballot papers for the referendum, European election and city/county council will be put into the same ballot box. A separate ballot box will be provided where there is an election to a town local authority.

The State's voters will elect 13 members of the European Parliament, 1,627 councillors in 114 local authorities, and will decide whether to approve the citizenship referendum proposal.

Only Irish citizens aged 18 and over who are on the electoral register can vote in the referendum. There are 3,041,688 such people, excluding those on the various supplements to the register.

Irish and EU citizens living in Ireland aged 18 and over who are on the electoral register can vote at the European elections. The electorate for European elections is 3,084,131, excluding those on the various supplements.

Everyone living in Ireland aged 18 and over, irrespective of nationality, who is on the electoral register is allowed vote in the local elections. This electorate stands at 3,112,341, excluding those on the various supplements.

Voters may be asked to produce evidence of identity at their local polling station. Documents that will be accepted include a passport; a driving licence; a photographic identity card such as one for work, a student card or a travel document; a bank, savings or credit union book; a Temporary Residence Certificate card; a Garda National Immigration Bureau card; a cheque book; a cheque card; a credit card; a birth certificate; or a marriage certificate. Those presenting items listed above that do not include the bearer's address must have separate proof of address if challenged.

Indications of national party support in the local government elections should be available by lunchtime tomorrow with detailed results coming in from early afternoon onwards. Some counts may carry on into Sunday. Counting of the referendum will take place tomorrow with the result expected by tomorrow evening.

Counting in the four constituencies for the European Parliament election starts at 9 a.m. on Sunday.