Survivors and officials speak

"People are looting. But they are not looting because they are evil, but because they are hungry

"People are looting. But they are not looting because they are evil, but because they are hungry." - Red Cross official Irman Rachmat in Banda Aceh, Indonesia

"There was a three-hour gap between the tremors and the wave. People want to know why there was no alert." - Meena Raman, in Malaysia

"The whole bottom floor of the hotel was flooded and everything for 100 metres to the left and right of the building was completely flattened. A village had disappeared. We saw fishing boats which had landed on the roofs of houses." - Martin Lane, Mitchelstown, Co Cork

"The water went back, back, back and everyone wondered what it was. Then we saw the wave come, and we ran." - Katri Seppanen, who was on Phuket with her family


"Why did you do this to us, God? What did we do to upset you? This is worse than death." - A woman grieving in a devastated fishing village in Tamil Nadu state, India

"I cannot ask a man who has lost his family and home to boil his water before drinking it." - Medical officer at the government hospital in Nagappattinam, India

"Our nation is in peril here. Life, as we know it in this country, is in some parts gone." - Ahmed Shaheed, chief government spokesman in the Maldives

"Whether they can afford tickets or not, we will . . . give them everything until they are home." - Thaksin Shinawatara, prime minister of Thailand

- (Guardian Service)