Talks fail in teachers' strike over 'assault'

Talks to resolve a strike at a Northern Ireland school after a pupil allegedly assaulted a member of staff broke up without agreement…

Talks to resolve a strike at a Northern Ireland school after a pupil allegedly assaulted a member of staff broke up without agreement last night.

Twenty-five teachers at Movilla High School in Newtownards, Co Down, began industrial action on Monday after employers docked their pay when they refused to teach the boy at the centre of the assault allegation.

Nine hours of discussions between the South Eastern Education Library Board (SEELB) and the NAS/UWT union brokered by the Labour Relations Agency ended without agreement.

Both sides will return to the negotiating table today.


The SEELB is standing by the school’s governors’ decision not to expel the pupil involved.

The school’s 520 pupils have not been able to attend classes since Monday.