Tánaiste's statement "gutless" - Sargent

The leader of the Green Party has described the Tánaiste's statement, that his party would not be withdrawing from the Coalition…

The leader of the Green Party has described the Tánaiste's statement, that his party would not be withdrawing from the Coalition Government, as belated, gutless and lacking credibility.

Trevor Sargent said Mr McDowell's 'Grand Old Duke of York' tactic was clearly a cynical election ploy and added that serious questions must hang over the Tánaiste's leadership "given the consistent weakness he has displayed on this issue since last autumn".

He called on Mr McDowell to clarify his position and questioned whether the PD leader could ever work with Mr Ahern again, saying the Taoiseach's "deceptions" have made it very difficult for any party to do business with him.

"Politically, he is a dead man walking", Mr Sargent said. "There must be many PD and Fianna Fáil supporters around the country who feel bitterly let down by the sordid saga of Bertiegate, and the whiff of political sleaze that again surrounds the Government", he added.


"Even though the PDs have backed down again, this administration is finished. I look forward to changing the government", Deputy Sargent said.

Meanwhile, Sinn Féin's spokesperson on finance, Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin accused Mr McDowell of complete and utter statement.

Deputy Ó Caoláin said he believed that the Taoiseach should make a public statement to clarify matters so that the election campaign could continue.

"However nobody is taken in by today's posturing by Minister McDowell. His belated intervention in this matter is purely an electoral consideration", he added.