Taoiseach attends Speaker's lunch

The Taoiseach was guest of honour at the traditional Speaker's lunch in the US House of Representatives yesterday

The Taoiseach was guest of honour at the traditional Speaker's lunch in the US House of Representatives yesterday. It was also attended by President Clinton and senior northern politicians, including SDLP leader Mr John Hume, his deputy, Mr Seamus Mallon; Ulster Unionist Party leader Mr David Trimble; Lord Alderdice, Alliance Party; Mr Gerry Adams, Sinn Fein president; Mr David Ervine, PUP; Mr Gary McMichael, Ulster Democratic Party. The Northern Secretary, Mr Peter Mandelson, also attended.

The Speaker, Mr Dennis Hastert, presented Mr Ahern with bookends cut from the cornerstone of the House of Representatives. The Taoiseach presented Mr Hastert with a 1,000-year-old piece of Irish bog oak.