Taoiseach opens new clubhouse at Connemara Golf Club

TAOISEACH BRIAN Cowen officially opened a €2

TAOISEACH BRIAN Cowen officially opened a €2.3m clubhouse and coach park development at the Connemara Golf Club in Ballyconneely, Co Galway, yesterday.

The ceremony took place in the company of an array of politicians who are playing in a Dáil and Seanad golf outing at the club.

Mr Cowen praised the group that had established the course in the early 1970s. It now has 1,000 members and is a favourite haunt for many politicians. Mr Cowen has a holiday home by the beach in Ballyconneely.

The Taoiseach said the course was for the man in the street as well as the professional. "You can find your ball easily, even if it goes out of bounds," he joked.


It was suggested to the Taoiseach that the seaside course might not be given planning permission today because of tighter environment rules.

But Mr Cowen said the course was of great economic benefit to the Connemara area.

He added he would like to see co-operation between the National Parks and Wildlife Service and local interests in resolving any remaining difficulties.