Taoiseach says cafe bars 'only plan for discussion'

Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform Michael McDowell will meet Fianna Fáil TDs next week to discuss their opposition…

Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform Michael McDowell will meet Fianna Fáil TDs next week to discuss their opposition to his proposed plan for cafe bars licences.

Mr McDowell said the alternative to cafe bars was liberalisation of the pub trade and that "there is going to be liberalisation of beer and spirit [licensing], in conjunction with [serving] food, one way or the other".

However, the Taoiseach said after yesterday's Cabinet meeting in Cork that the Minister’s plan for small cafe bars selling food alongside beer and spirits was still only at the proposal stage.

"All of the Minister's proposals are proposals for discussions," said Mr Ahern.


Mr Ahern said members of Fianna Fáil had voiced their concern about the cafe bars.