Taxi fares to rise 8% from midnight

Taxi fares are set to become more expensive from midnight, when an 8.3 per cent price increase comes into effect.

Taxi fares are set to become more expensive from midnight, when an 8.3 per cent price increase comes into effect.

The rise, which was announced by the regulator in September, will see the cost of hailing a cab rise to €4.10 at the standard rate and €4.45 at the premium rate, which applies from 8pm to 8am each day, and all day on Sunday and bank holidays.

Meanwhile, taxis hired between 8pm on Christmas Eve and 8am on St Stephen's Day and from 8pm on New Year's Eve to 8am on New Year's Day will also be charged at the premium rate.

Soiling charges have also increased, rising by €15 to €140.

Taxi fares last increased in September 2006.

Fine Gael's spokeswoman on tourism, Olivia Mitchell, called on the regulator to reconsider the price hike.

"The regulator and drivers must surely appreciate just how inappropriate a price rise is in the current economic climate," she said.

"The price hike will not benefit taxi drivers. Taxis are a largely discretionary spend and, as people tighten their belts, longer queues of taxis hoping for business are the only possible outcome. Already drivers complain that they cannot make a living but higher fares are not the solution."