Taylor gives pledge on equality Bill

THE Coalition will, if reelected, introduce a constitutional amendment if it is needed to overcome the unconstitutional aspects…

THE Coalition will, if reelected, introduce a constitutional amendment if it is needed to overcome the unconstitutional aspects of the Employment Equality Bill, the Minister for Equality and Law Reform, Mr Taylor, indicated yesterday.

Last week the Supreme Court ruled that a number of clauses in the Bill were unconstitutional. In particular it found that its requirement of employers that they provide access and appropriate facilities for people with disabilities was unreasonable, and attacked the constitutional protection of the right to private property.

It also found that provisions for certifying an offence of discrimination, and the principle of "vicarious liability", which made employers liable for discriminatory practices by employees, were contrary to other constitutional protections.

According to Mr Taylor, the Government yesterday agreed to redraft the Bill to take account of the points raised by the Supreme Court. Last week the Fianna Fail spokesman on law reform, Dr Jim McDaid, stressed his party's commitment to the principles contained in the Bill.