Teacher given leave to challenge decision

A schoolteacher claimed in the High Court yesterday that he was unfairly overlooked for the post of principal in St Enda's National…

A schoolteacher claimed in the High Court yesterday that he was unfairly overlooked for the post of principal in St Enda's National School, Carraroe, Co Sligo.

Mr Terence Griffin, of Ceol Na Cuille, Lisheen, Strandhill, Sligo, was granted leave to judicially challenge the decision of St Enda's School Board chairman, Father James Murray, to appoint another teacher to the position.

Mr Garrett Cooney SC, counsel for Mr Griffin, told Mr Justice Peter Shanley his client claimed unfair procedures had been adopted against him by Father Murray after he had been chosen, first by an interview committee and later by a majority of the school board, as the applicant most suitable for the post.

Mr Cooney said that after applying for the post, Mr Griffin attended before an interview committee and his name, with that of the ultimately successful candidate, Mr Desmond Lyons, was submitted to the board of management. Despite the board having voted 5 to 3 in Mr Griffin's favour, he was not appointed.


In an affidavit, Mr Griffin said Father Murray told the board he was not accepting their verdict but was going to appoint Mr Lyons instead. On July 15th last he had received a letter from Father Murray telling him he had not been successful.

Mr Griffin said that in a reply to Father Murray he informed him he was initiating legal proceedings.