Teenager's sudden death investigated

Gardaí are investigating the sudden death of a teenager who collapsed on Sunday morning.

Gardaí are investigating the sudden death of a teenager who collapsed on Sunday morning.

Danny Crilly (15) died at 10.50am in a house near his home in Dublin.

A postmortem was carried out yesterday and the preliminary results are expected to be made available today.

It has been reported that Danny attended a party on Saturday night near his former home in Darndale.


His family moved to a new home on Clonshaugh Road in recent years. He lived with his mother, brother and sister.

However, a Garda spokesman said they were not looking at a drugs angle "at this stage", and neither were they looking at possible foul play. Local Sinn Féin councillor Larry O'Toole, who knows Danny's family, said they were "devastated" by his death and by conjecture surrounding it.

"It is a tragedy when a young person goes out to enjoy themselves and dies the next day.

"Young people are under a lot of pressure, and I would advise them to mind themselves."

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy is a news reporter with The Irish Times