'Tell them of the lovely day we have come to'

BARONESS PAISLEY: BARONESS EILEEN Paisley described yesterday's official opening of the Battle of the Boyne site as a great …

BARONESS PAISLEY:BARONESS EILEEN Paisley described yesterday's official opening of the Battle of the Boyne site as a great day for all of the people of Ireland.

Baroness Paisley, standing beside her First Minister husband and Taoiseach Bertie Ahern in the visitors' marquee at the site, spoke warmly of her love for the island of Ireland.

Deciding to speak impromptu, she recalled returning by plane from her first visit to New York and how the pilot urged passengers to look out the window of the craft to learn why Ireland was called the Emerald Isle.

"I said to someone nearby, 'I wish I could swim for I could jump out and swim the rest of the way', because it was so green, and so precious and so lovely. And it is home," she said.


She had a special word for women, and their part in ensuring a better future for everyone on the island. "Women have a great role to play for the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world," she said.

She said that God had entrusted a woman to bring Jesus into the world. "Ladies, always remember that you are special in the eyes of God." She also referred to grandparents and their grandchildren in these historic times of positive change. "As you look at your grandchildren, and see them being brought up I trust that God will bless you and that you will influence them for good.

"Tell them what has happened in Ireland, North and South. Tell them of the lovely day that we have come to."

Baroness Paisley said she wanted to pay thanks for the "most warm welcome that anyone could ever receive in this part of Ireland. May God bless you all north, south, east and west, every man, woman and child in the future days".

As Baroness Paisley was loudly applauded she warmly embraced Mr Ahern.

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty is the former Northern editor of The Irish Times