Telling tails of Humphrey

Quidnunc had intended inquiring after Humphrey when she met Tony Blair this week, but the 30 minutes allotted flew past and so…

Quidnunc had intended inquiring after Humphrey when she met Tony Blair this week, but the 30 minutes allotted flew past and so did the prime minister. The tale of the disappearance of the famous No 10 cat and the innuendo of skulduggery by Cherie Blair because she didn't like him has occupied almost as many column inches in the British press as the Spencer divorce. The PM's aides, no less, were required to produce photos of Humphrey next to current newspapers to disprove the allegation by the colourful Tory MP Alan Clark that Humphrey may have been murdered. But the questions remain. Some still maintain the cat in the photos is an imposter.