
"Microsoft CEO Bill Gates, who is placed at the centre of key events by numerous documents displayed a particular failure of …

"Microsoft CEO Bill Gates, who is placed at the centre of key events by numerous documents displayed a particular failure of recollection at his deposition. Mr Gates's testimony appears to be part of a pattern of Microsoft attempting to rewrite history." - The US Department of Justice on the deposition of the Microsoft CEO.

"For example you could ask it a question like `Is there a green car for sale for around $15,000 in Queensland?' and give it a command to fill in your tax forms. Our companies could run themselves much more efficiently [and] all the bureaucracy of managing a group would be done by the system." - Tim Berners-Lee, director of the World Wide Web Consortium, offering a glimpse of the future in a keynote address last week at the DCI e-Business World conference in Boston.

Computimes is edited by Fiachra O Marcaigh and Tom Moriarty. Monitor compiled by Conor Pope. Send email only (no attachments, faxes or letters please) to computimes@irish-times.ie (private correspondence should be marked NOT FOR PUBLICATION).