The new voluntary codes: what they entail

THE ALCOHOL Marketing, Communications and Sponsorship Codes of Practice, which came into effect yesterday, were negotiated between…

THE ALCOHOL Marketing, Communications and Sponsorship Codes of Practice, which came into effect yesterday, were negotiated between the Department of Health and Children and representatives from both the alcohol industry and the advertising industry.

The code is voluntary but is subject to monitoring by a committee which was established under the auspices of the department and is chaired by former general secretary of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions Peter Cassells.

The codes have immediate effect for new contracts on July 1st, and for all existing contracts from October 1st.

The Broadcasting Commission of Ireland has a separate advertising code, which stipulates that drink advertising shall not link the product to physical wellbeing or sexual attractiveness.



A ban on drink advertisements where more than 25 per cent of the audience is under 18 (previously, the limit was 33 per cent).

No more than 25 per cent of the volume of advertising in any space or time can be devoted to alcohol advertising.

No sponsorship by alcohol companies where participants in a sports event are under 18, or more than 25 per cent of the audience is under 18.

Events sponsored by alcohol brands must have specially trained staff, prominent "responsible drinking" messages, and available water and soft drinks.

The powers of the Alcohol Marketing Communications Monitoring Body will be extended to measure the effectiveness of the revised code.

All advertisements must be pre-vetted and approved before acceptance by any media.


A ban on advertising drink during breakfast-time television (6am - 10am).

A ban on sponsorship of sports programmes and related advertising gimmicks.

No "whistle breaks for alcohol advertising in sports programming.

On radio, alcohol advertising will only be allowed during programmes with an adult audience profile of 75 per cent or greater.

At most only one in four advertisements can be for alcohol and no more than two alcohol advertisements can appear in any commercial break.

No alcohol advertising between 6am and 10am.

Presenters to receive training to ensure they don't glamorise alcohol.


No advertising of drink products within 100 metres of youth clubs, scouting and girl guide troops (previously, the ban applied just to schools)

No advertisements on full sides/rears of buses or Darts

Only one in four billboards, at most, can be used for alcohol products.


A reduction to 25 per cent (from 40 per cent) of total advertising minutes per viewing


Alcohol advertisements will be carried only in consumer publications where the adult readership is 75 per cent or greater

No alcohol advertisements will be placed in any publication aimed specifically at young people or third-level students.

No alcohol sponsorship of sports pages or sports supplements will be allowed.