'The people of Ulster are not fooled'

'The IRA fascist agenda has been adopted lock, stock and barrel'

'The IRA fascist agenda has been adopted lock, stock and barrel'. The following is an edited version of the Rev Ian Paisley's speech to the DUP conference.

"In every generation, since the plantation settlement in Ulster in the 17th Century, traditional unionists have been forced to defend to the death their heritage. We fight an enemy which recognises no laws, owns no honour, is unfettered by no shackles and is determined to wade knee-deep in the blood of their own co-religionists to achieve their objectives.

These monsters have swallowed and imbibed the devilish principles of the Jesuits - the end justifies the means. To jettison the truth spells disaster in all worlds. Strenuous efforts have been made by David Trimble and all associated with him, in that atrocious falsehood miscalled the 'Peace Agreement', to peddle the false principle that evil can produce good.

Mr Trimble has stuck to the job of destroying the union and making Ulster the mere play-thing of Dublin and the republican elements of the British Labour Party. Through his green-tinted glasses, he tells us of his achievements. He has the audacity to call them advancements when they are indeed surrenders of the basest kinds.


Violence has increased since the agreement. Shootings from 1995-1998 amounted to 450 but in three years from 1999-2002, shootings totalled 820. Similarly, in the three years prior to the agreement bombings totalled 123 while in the three years after they totalled 561. Bombing devices increased from 156 before the agreement to 699 in the years since the agreement. So much for peace!

The people of Ulster are not fooled. They, like we, know what Sinn Féin/IRA has achieved. Terrorists out of prison, the RUC destroyed, unaccountable all-Ireland bodies, the union flag removed from our buildings and the continued presence of the vilest offenders at the heart of our government.

The events in Sinn Féin offices at Stormont, was proof, if it were needed, as to the real intentions of Sinn Féin/IRA. It came as no surprise that members of Sinn Féin were using their positions at the heart of government to supplement IRA intelligence files.

The Prime Minister tells us there will be no re-negotiation of the Belfast Agreement. He intends to push the agreement down the throats of true democrats who are not prepared to bend the knee to the insatiable demands of IRA/Sinn Féin. The IRA fascist agenda has been adopted lock, stock and barrel. Mr Blair keeps saying in louder and more ill-tempered tones that there is no other show in town.

Of course there can be an alternative. We are insisting the basis for talks must be built on the foundations of a truly democratic agenda. Our seven principles are essential for a democratic foundation on which to build real peace.

1. The DUP is a devolutionist party. We shall work for an assembly which is democratic, fair and accountable.

2. We will not sit down and negotiate with the representatives of terrorism, but will talk to democratic parties. We will insist that any talks process will facilitate such an arrangement.

3. Those who are not committed to exclusively peaceful and democratic means should not be able to exercise unaccountable executive power.

4. Decommissioning of terrorist weapons must take place before the bar to any cabinet position could be considered to be lifted.

5. Any relationship whatsoever with the Republic of Ireland should be fully accountable to the Assembly.

6. The DUP will work to restore the morale and effectiveness of the police force. We oppose a sectarian recruitment policy.

7. All men must be equal under the law and all men must be equally subject to the law.

The days of pushover unionism are nearing an end. Elections will come. Surveying and saluting the memory of our glorious dead, chilled with the cries of mothers and fathers, wives and husbands and children mourning their murdered loved ones and refusing to be comforted, we are determined never to forget.

Inspired by the resistance of our fathers to the same ancient foe which still besets us, we pledge ourselves that we shall not give up this battle until the last vestige of the policy of the men of blood is destroyed. It is a battle to the death.

Until the blood-soaked murderous beast of republican terrorism and all other terrorists is put forever in the cage of destruction and death, there can be no peaceful future for us.

Trimble may march up his serried ranks of supporters of the great lie and ally his party in government with Sinn Féin/IRA, but I hear the marching of an army stronger and greater than anything our enemies can produce. It is the army of men and women, boys and girls who refuse to wear the chains thrust upon them by Blair, Trimble and Ahern.

That army will pay the price and Ulster men and women never never shall be slaves."