The prize of power

The Dβil may not be back until next month, but for the political parties it is now all systems go after the August break

The Dβil may not be back until next month, but for the political parties it is now all systems go after the August break. While all are looking for a distinct image, there will be a great sameness about their activities in the final run-up to the expected spring election. And it is an election of immense importance to them all - particularly the current opposition. If FG's Michael Noonan and Labour's Ruair∅ Quinn don't attain power, their days as party leaders are numbered.

If Bertie Ahern or Mary Harney fail to be returned to Government, not necessarily together, their positions are somewhat stronger and they should both have at least another general election in them before a heave gets underway.

All the parties have conferences over the next few months, in which they will set out the bones of the election manifestos they will finalise early next year. The troops will be enthused, the leaders eulogised, the TV audiences wooed. All will emphasise that they will be fighting as independent entities, i.e. no pre-election pacts will exist. Naturally - though they all know that after the count the horse-trading will start, and that any party is capable of forming an alliance with any other, if the prize is power. It's a question of numbers.

The first conference is Labour's at Cork City Hall, starting September 28th.


Cork has been chosen to maximise the chances of regaining seats in the city and county, where once there were three and now there are none. FF are holding a parliamentary party think-in in Ennis on September 19th and 20th followed by their ardfheis at City West, Saggart, Co Dublin, on the weekend of October 12th, where up to 5,000 delegates are expected. The state funerals of the War of Independence volunteers, including Kevin Barry, take place on the Sunday, an event that has the opposition worried Ahern is stirring up the grass roots for a snap election.

FG have two regional conferences between now and Christmas and an ardfheis in February.

The PDs also hold an annual conference in February.

Meanwhile, the Greens, many of whom are fed up being ignored in the popularity ratings, will elect their first leader at their annual conference in Kilkenny on October 6th. Trevor Sargent is odds-on favourite.