The World in Words

It would be disingenuous to pretend that John was a supreme intellectual force; he wasn't

It would be disingenuous to pretend that John was a supreme intellectual force; he wasn't. But he was more than a symbol of courtly grace and nonchalant glamour. He used his celebrity stature to make a positive contribution to politics.

- Douglas Brinkley, John F. Kennedy jnr's friend, writing in the New York Times

I don't feel worthy of such a high honour.

- President Fidel Castro of Cuba, of the estimated 637 attempts on his life


They had one advantage over all the other parties. They knew they were loonies.

- Astronomer Patrick Moore, of the Monster Raving Loony Party

Your head did not turn in the road if a black woman passed because they were badly dressed, probably overweight and probably had a lousy job.

- The novelist Jeffrey Archer, in an interview with Spectrum Radio, London, which is widely listened to by ethnic minorities

You sneering, long-nosed Bolshevik. Why don't you get off our screens? PS: Please send me a signed photograph so I can tear it up and burn it.

- Newsnight presenter Jeremy Paxman offers an example of the sort of fan mail he receives

I'm done with it. I never say never but I'm never playing again.

- US tennis star Andre Agassi reacts to the sacking of the US Davis Cup team doctor

My Mom always wanted me to be nice. And I always said, "But, Mom, If I'm nice, no one will want to listen to what I am saying."

- Feminist bete noire Camille Paglia

If Roland the Rat was appointed Northern Ireland Secretary I would say everyone should work with him. But I would still point out he was a rat.

- William Hague, of Mr Mandelson's new job

This is not just the trial of the century, but the most important trial in the history of Anglo-Saxon jurisprudence.

- Arien Specter, a Republican, of Mr Clinton's impeachment trial

While we can be absolutely sure that Jesus lived and that he was certainly crucified on the cross, we cannot with the same certainty say that we know he was raised by God from the dead.

- The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr George Carey

They are destroying us, one by one, piece by piece. What do they want from us?

- Belgrade resident Jasminka Radovanovic (30), of the NATO bombing

We are not only going to stop the bombing. We are going to intensify the bombing.

- US Defence Secretary, William Cohen