The World This Week

Today: Deputy leader of Kazakhstan Workers' Movement in court charged with organising illegal rallies

Today: Deputy leader of Kazakhstan Workers' Movement in court charged with organising illegal rallies. UN oil experts report to UN Security Council. Italian president in Japan. Officials from China and ASEAN meet. UN Commission on Sustainable Development opens in New York.

Tomorrow: Fisheries committee of European Parliament meets. European Parliament's economic and monetary committee discusses convergence report for EMU. Benazir Bhutto travels to US. Civilians appear in court in Freetown accused of treason and murder. Greek PM visits Bulgaria. P. W. Botha goes on trial. Russian/Ukrainian naval exercises.

Wednesday: European Parliament agriculture committee meet. German Social Democrats hold special conference in Leipzig.

Thursday: IMF releases World Economic Outlook report. Andean group signs framework agreement with Mercosur. Heads of government of Caribbean Community meet in Bahamas. NASA launches Columbia spacecraft. Another round of voting in Slovakian parliament to elect president. Brazilian foreign minister in US. WTO and Indian government release report on India's trade policy. Bulgarian and Romanian presidents visit Turkey for multilateral summit. IMF/World Bank meeting opens in Washington. EU industry commissioner in Turkey. Clinton travels to Chile. US defence secretary in Turkey.


Friday: Kazakhstan's Workers' Movement holds rally in support of jailed leader. International Bank of Reconstruction and Development development committee meeting in Washington. Senate elections in Mauritania. Zhu Rongji officially takes office as new Chinese PM. UN secretary general releases report on Africa to UN Security Council.

Saturday: Summit of the Americas in Santiago. NASA Columbia space-craft returns to Earth. Yeltsin in Japan. Turin Shroud exhibited in Turin cathedral for first time in 20 years.

Sunday: Presidential election in Austria.


Tomorrow: Minister for Defence reviews troops bound for south Lebanon.

Wednesday: Jean Kennedy Smith addresses US embassy/Irish Times colloquium on "Multiculturalism and Racism: Comparing Issues in Ireland and the US" at Dublin City University.

Irish events should be received by David Shanks, Foreign Desk, on the Friday before publication.