The World This Week

Today: Trial of former Malaysian deputy Prime Minister, Dr Anwar Ibrahim, resumes in Kuala Lumpur

Today: Trial of former Malaysian deputy Prime Minister, Dr Anwar Ibrahim, resumes in Kuala Lumpur. Southern African Development Community summit meeting in Lusaka. Deadline for three members of Cuban mission to UN headquarters in New York to leave. Syrian president expected to visit Lebanon. Belarussian opposition politician, Valery Shchukin, in court charged with taking partin a demonstration.

Tomorrow: Basque regional government meets to elect new premier. Estonian parliament meets for extraordinary session on budget.

Wednesday: Deadline for Britain and US to file counter-memorandums to International Court of Justice on court's ruling that it has jurisdiction in the Lockerbie case.

Thursday: EU Ecofin council meets in Brussels with events at the European Central Bank in Frankfurt to finalise the value of the euro. Austrian presidency of EU ends. Bill and Hillary Clinton travel to Hilton Head for New Year's celebrations. German chancellor gives traditional New Year address. At midnight, a "leap second" is added to official time.


Friday: European single currency comes into existence. Germany assumes presidency of the EU until June 30th. President Cardoso of Brazil to be sworn in for second term in Brasilia. Pope John Paul II gives traditional New Year message of peace. Free trade agreement between Poland and Estonia enters into force.

Saturday: Emperor Aki hito and Empress Michiko of Japan greet New Year well-wishers at Imperial Palace. New parliament convenes in Central African Republic.

Sunday: Christians worldwide take part in annual World Week of Prayer. Middle East Economic Association annual meeting in New York.