This Week They Said

Long live democracy! The blood of the martyrs will not go to waste

Long live democracy! The blood of the martyrs will not go to waste. - Anti-government protesters on the streets of Kathmandu, capital of Nepal, where a crackdown by the monarchy on dissent left at least 14 dead.

I understand that our sights are also trained on Hamas ministers, not only on the police chief. Nobody who deals with terror can have immunity by any means, even if he holds a ministerial portfolio in the Hamas government.

- Dani Yatom, an Israeli MP and former intelligence chief, says the entire Palestinian cabinet may be targeted for assassination.

Scores of straight producers [ make] sure I am as gay this week as I was last week.


- Irish-born TV presenter Graham Norton speaks of his unease at being urged to "camp it up" for the screen.

He told us to move in on Thursday. He gave us a lease agreement and told us to bring it to a solicitor to look it over.

- Monika Tauer, one of the victims of a rental scam involving an up-market Dublin apartment.

This form of public commentary on a person's work is one to which no other worker is subjected.

- John Carr, general secretary of teachers' union the INTO, which has come out against plans to publish school inspection reports.

What do you really see? What do you really hear? That's what in theory differentiates a writer from everyone else. You see and hear more clearly.

- Novelist Don DeLillo.

The most meaningful Eucharist I ever celebrated.

- Fr Iggy O'Donovan, who controversially concelebrated Mass with a Church of Ireland minister.

There are two dissident republican groups attempting to disrupt the peace process and also intent on creating death and destruction in Northern Ireland. They believe in some kind of mad way that this will somehow advance the cause of a united Ireland.

- Minister for Justice Michael McDowell says the Continuity IRA and Real IRA haven't gone away.

I'm gonna eat the placenta. I thought that would be good. Very nutritious.

- Tom Cruise, speaking ahead of the birth this week of his daughter, Suri.

They realised they could not continue with the same path and same policies. It got worse and worse and just when they said it can't get any worse, it got worse again.

- Frank Luntz, a Republic pollster and strategist, as White House adviser Karl Rove gives up his job as policy adviser to George Bush amid plummeting ratings for the president.

This deadline diplomacy adds an element of farce to the deadly conflict raging in Darfur.

- A former member of the African Union mediating team in Darfur, Laurie Nathan, says the repeated deadlines imposed on the Sudan government by the international community have not prevented genocide in the region.

The parallels to the run-up to war with Iraq are all too striking: remember that in May 2002 President Bush declared there was 'no war plan on my desk', despite having actually spent months working on detailed plans for the Iraq invasion.

- Richard Clarke, former White House counter-terrorism expert, suggests President Bush may be considering military strikes on Iran.